Blog start 2021
Judith ClaraHello, dear friends of JUDITH CLARA art,
there are times when new territory is in sight. The desire for a change. To an extension - a completion. That time is now! Since I've been a mother and my little family has been making me happy all the time, I've wanted to pass this happiness on. Not only in my art in the picture also in words!!

What can you expect
A lot of me. Much of my life as an artist, as a minimalist, as a mother and as a happy family man with my two great men.
What do I wish for?
I'm excited and don't know if I can put the words on paper as happily as I draw my pictures. But also full of confidence that I will find another exciting access to myself and the world through the word.
Answers and comments on my blog posts that is what I want. Write to me if you are particularly concerned about a topic. Let me know how you guys like my blog..
where are you travelling to?
I am and will primarily remain an artist. I draw and that's what makes me happy. The words from 2021 are just the topping on the cake. They make everything even more beautiful.
Liebe Judith,
ich liebe deine Bilder und ich lese gerne deine Beiträge, sie regen meine Denken an. Ich werde meine vielen Bücher aussortieren. Der Gedanke anderen eine Freude damit zu machen hat mich inspiriert.
Schön, dass du deine Gedanken teilst.
Wünsche dir einen schönen Sonntag,
Liebe Judith Clara,
Ich freue mich sehr auf deine Posts! Wie kam es zu dem Namem Judith Clara? Ist das dein Zweitname oder Nachname? Liebe Grüße und mach weiter so! VlG Maren